Being a gal who quit her "stable" job and paycheck to pursue her passion, there are days I wake up and check where I am on the crazy barometer. Other days, I feel like I am ruling my universe but like everything in life, it ebbs and flows. I have learned that when I am very focused in the present moment, it is when I am able to seamlessly create. It all flows with out interruption. When I begin to worry about things like "how" and "when" I move 10 steps back instead of forward. It is very hard to be present but being present allows us to tap our greatest potential. I work very hard every day to be present not only in things like my meditation or yoga practice but also when a dear friend is talking to me about something, when I am preparing a meal or spending time with my family. I took an art class yesterday with my mom and boyfriend and it was SO mediative and soothing, I highly recommend activities like this (there is a picture on instagram @korebykelly).  There are little ways to stay connected and present in order to avoid the "worrying" illness that preys on all of us. Worrying is completely fruitless. It literally accomplishes nothing productive and sets off a chain of negative thoughts and feelings. This week, put the worrying aside. Leave it to the Universe. Trust that the Universe will handle it and that it is way more competent than us to figure it out considering it has been here WAY longer than us. Let's all stay present and focused and see what magic we are able to create this week.

May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be whole.

xo Kelly
